Tip #5 for Successful Studying

Tip #5 Make a Study Schedule and Stick to it!

Many people have made the mistake of thinking “I’m busy all week so I’ll do all my studying on Sunday”. One problem with only studying one day a week is that most university courses require at least 15-20 hours a week of studying. If you try to do it all in one day, you’re probably not putting in enough time and you’ll wind up struggling to keep up, which causes stress and anxiety, and slows you down.

Another problem is that a lot of unexpected things can happen on Sunday or whatever day your study day is. The hot water tank springs a leak, a child/family member is sick or needs you, or maybe there’s an important game on TV that you just “have to watch”!  

Remember; adults forget 85% of any new material they learn within 24-48 hours! Never leave a 48-hour break in between study sessions! Figure out where you can fit in the required time every day. Or at least every other day, and put it in your calendar. If someone says, “Hey, do you want to (fill in the blank) on Wednesday afternoon?” you can look at your calendar and honestly say “Sorry, I’m booked!”. You can learn to say ‘No’ – without guilt!